The SE9013 is a single cell NiMH battery
charger using a constant-current/constant-voltage
algorithm. It can deliver up to 500mA of charge
current (using a good thermal PCB layout) with a
final float voltage accuracy of ±1%. The SE9013
includes an internal P-channel power MOSFET and
thermal regulation circuitry. No blocking diode or
external current sense resistor is required; thus, the
basic charger circuit requires only two external
components. Furthermore, the SE9013 is capable
of operating from a USB power source.
Normal Charge Cycle
A charge cycle begins when the voltage at the
VCC pin rises above the UVLO threshold level and
a 1% program resistor is connected from the PROG
pin to ground or when a battery is connected to the
charger output.
When the BAT pin approaches the final float
voltage (1.4~4.2V depending on the customer
setup), the SE9013 enters constant-voltage mode
and the charge current begins to decrease. When
the charge current drops to 60% of the programmed
value, the charge cycle ends.
Programming Battery Charge Voltage
The final voltage the battery is to be charged to
is determined by the following eqution:
Where VFB is typically at 1.20V.
Programming Charge Current
The charge current is programmed using a
single resistor from the PROG pin to ground. The
battery charge current is 1060 times the current out
of the PROG pin. The program resistor and the
Charge Completion
A charging indicator is switched off when the
charge current falls to 60% of the programmed value
after the final float voltage is reached. This condition
is detected by using an internal, filtered comparator to
monitor the PROG pin. When the PROG pin voltage
falls below 100mV for longer than tTERM (typically
1ms), charging indicator is switched off. The charge
current remains until the battery voltage reaches the
programmed value.
When charging, transient loads on the BAT pin
can cause the PROG pin to fall below 100mV for short
periods of time before the DC charge current has
dropped to 60% of the programmed value. The 1ms
filter time (tTERM) on the termination comparator
ensures that transient loads of this nature do not
result in premature charge cycle completion.
The SE9013 constantly a
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